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Shower Timer – 4 minutes


The timer lasts for 4 minutes, which is the optimal amount of time for showering to manage water wastage, along with hygiene and cleanliness.

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Shower Timer – 4 minutes

The Shower Timer – 4 minutes from Sensory Sensations is a simple yet effective sand timer design that helps manage several day-to-day activities. The timer lasts for 4 minutes, which is the optimal amount of time for showering to manage water wastage, along with hygiene and cleanliness.

The timer has a suction cup which is suitable to be attached to tiles, mirror, glass or benchtop. It is made from an unbreakable clear plastic outer tube and has beechwood ends, making it a classic design.

This timer can be used for any purpose, not just showering, making it an ideal resource for independent living and self-management. It is fantastic for day-to-day time management for habitual activities.

Timer has wooden ends so its best to be placed away from direct water stream.

Measures 9.8cm (height) x 2.5cm (diameter).

Check out our other Timers HERE!

Warning: These products are made from acrylic plastic. They will not withstand being thrown or dropped onto hard surfaces.


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