>    >  6-8 years, 8 years +, Board Games, Family Games, Play, Shop By Age, Wooden Toys  >  Mancala | Wooden with Polished Gemstones

Mancala | Wooden with Polished Gemstones


An ancient strategy game believed to have originated from Africa. This version sets 2 players against each other it a battle of strategy, position and timing.

Each player is attempting to clear their side of stones to finish the game while collecting the stones for points.

1 in stock

Gift Wrap Design

Dots with handwritten gift tag ($4.95)

Gift Wrap Design

Dots with handwritten gift tag ($4.95)

Remaining/Maximum Characters: 100/100



An ancient strategy game believed to have originated from Africa.

This version sets 2 players against each other it a battle of strategy, position and timing. Each player is attempting to clear their side of stones to finish the game while collecting the stones for points.

Simple to learn and play, difficult to master.

Sutable for ages 8 – 99!


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